3 Problems That Wisdom Teeth Can Cause

19 December 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure that most people will undergo at some point during their lifetime. Wisdom teeth are essentially a third set of molars. Some people don't even realize that these molars are in place, while other people can experience significant problems once their wisdom teeth start to erupt. Knowing when to have your wisdom teeth removed is critical in preventing any long-term damage. Here are three potential problems that you could face if you wait too long to have wisdom teeth surgery. Read More …

5 Signs A Dental Issue Calls For Emergency Care

14 November 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

An emergency dental office visit can be the difference between solving a problem quickly and dealing with something worse. You need to know when to ask for emergency dental services, though. If you're experiencing any of these five signs of trouble, it may be a dental emergency. Pain People are often dismissive of dental pain. Worse, there are numerous products on the market designed to numb oral pain. This can create conditions where people think pain is manageable and an emergency trip to the dentist is unnecessary. Read More …

The Dental Implant Process: Step-By-Step

5 October 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Implants are a great way to fill in a missing tooth gap. The process can seem daunting for those unfamiliar with it. Below is a simplified step-by-step guide on what to expect when you get a dental implant. The Consultation Your dentist will take some x-rays of your mouth and jaws to make sure you have good bone structure. Implants are inserted into the jawbone and the longevity of your implant depends on your bones being sturdy. Read More …

Dental Implants: Are You An Ideal Candidate For Them?

7 September 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you plan to undergo dental work soon, dental implant treatment may be on the top of your list of things to do. But if you don't think you're an ideal candidate for dental implant treatment, you may get dentures instead. Before you commit to getting dentures, learn more about dental implants. The following information may help you determine whether or not you're an ideal candidate for dental implant treatment soon. Read More …

3 Interesting Materials That Are Used To Make Dental Crowns

3 August 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Dental crowns are a restorative solution that can save teeth from having to get extracted. They can also serve as a cosmetic solution to correct certain tooth imperfections. There are a variety of reasons why dentists recommend crowns. Different materials can be used to create them, and some crowns have more than one material. Dentists consult with individuals and use the information gathered and dental exams to recommend the best type of material(s). Read More …