Things To Expect And Do After Getting Dental Implants

26 September 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Are you thinking about getting dental implants? Are you wondering what to expect if you do get implants? If you want teeth that look and feel as natural as possible, dental implants can be a great choice. But before you decide one way or the other, there are some things that you may want to know first. Some of these things include: Recovery could take a while: With all artificial teeth, there is a time period during which your mouth needs to heal before the actual teeth can be inserted. Read More …

Are Your Dentures Creating Painful Mouth Sores?

2 September 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Have you started to develop sores inside your mouth because of your dentures? This could be happening due to a couple reasons. After you figure it out, it should prevent more sores from forming and allow the area to heal. These are the common causes that you need to watch out for. Your Dentures Are New If you recently received brand new dentures, some rubbing and soreness is to be expected as the gums adjust to the fit of the dentures. Read More …

3 Reasons It May Be Unwise To Keep A Wisdom Tooth

12 August 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Sometimes, keeping a wisdom tooth is unwise. Here are a few reasons why: A wisdom tooth can cause gum issues. A wisdom tooth may not fully erupt. Instead of the gums bordering only the sides of the partially exposed molar, a portion of the top of the tooth remains covered by gum tissue. As you eat, food and plaque may become trapped beneath the overhanging pocket of gums. This trapped debris can incite inflammation that causes a great amount of discomfort. Read More …

Night Guard Cleaning 101: How To Clean Your Night Guard Safely And Effectively

28 July 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If night guards are not cleaned properly, they develop odors and unsightly stains caused by bacteria and plaque. Therefore, you'll want to clean your night guard safely and effectively using the simple guide below. Avoid Harmful Cleaning Strategies. In your quest to rid your night guard of bacteria, you may be tempted to go too far and use excessively harsh cleaning methods. But stronger is not always better. And in the case of night guards, the following cleaning strategies can damage, warp, and destroy your guard. Read More …

What Every Parent Should Know About Problems With Retainer Fit

6 July 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When your child's braces come off, he or she will typically be given a retainer to wear for a while afterward. This is important, because it helps the teeth to retain their shape while things settle after the removal of the braces. The retainer will be slightly snug on the teeth when your child receives it. Unfortunately, the fit may change over time. Here are a few reasons why your child might notice a difference in the way the retainer feels and what you can do to deal with those changes. Read More …